Monday, 6 August 2012

DS awareness: We are more alike than different


  1. Adebisi, you are doing an incredible job as a mother of a special needs child and a businessness woman; this is truly inspirational to us all.
    I hope this detailed account of your experience will be of great benefit to the families in ethnic minority communities where there is so much stigma and little information on this condition DS.
    Keep up the good work

  2. Thanks so much for the very lovely comments. I'm so happy that you visited my blog despite your busy work/family schedules. My husband and I are currently working on a new project which will hopefully grow into a charity in future. we've named it the ETHNIC MINORITY DISABILITY SUPPORT NETWORK (EMDISON)and this will be specifically for ethnic minority families caring for kids with a varying range of special needs. We will start with facebook page/ forum for this support group where families can support each other and we'll see how it goes. thanks so much and have a nice day
